Monday, March 23, 2009

Congress: Pass a Budget that Ensures Our Clean Energy Future!

President Obama's proposed federal budget will help rebuild and renew our economy by setting the right priorities for America: invest in clean energy to create millions of new green jobs, fight global warming and end our dependence on oil.

Please help get the word out to officials to pass a budget that reflects a new direction for our country's energy policy--a budget that takes the first step to finally tackling the issue of climate change and spurs our clean energy economy.

President Obama's budget plan not only puts us on the right path for a clean energy future but returns funding to protect important environmental initiatives like clean water protection, Great Lakes protection, high speed rail and the Superfund toxic waste program.

Please help make certain that the federal budget puts us back on the right track to protect the environment and boost our clean energy economy.

I just contacted my members of Congress asking that they support President Obama's budget priorities of clean energy and tackling climate change. Join me by taking action too!

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