Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sign to Save the Western Gray Whale

Please tell oil and gas companies to postpone new oil and gas activities in the waters off of Sakhalin Island immediately by visiting World Wildlife Fund's Conservation Action Network: http://wwf.worldwildlife.org/site/Advocacy?pagename=homepage&page=UserAction&id=327.

The western gray whale is on the verge of extinction: There are about 130 animals left. Their main feeding habitat in summer time is the waters off of Sakhalin Island, Russia, a region where some companies have been developing massive oil and natural gas exploration or extraction projects in recent years.

Please sign an online petition that urges these oil and gas companies to postpone harmful activities in the western gray whales' territory.

Go here to learn more and to take action.

Please ask your friends to take this action also by sending this message their way. Thanks!

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