Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Animation Character Development

The character that I am developing is named Future Fran, and I am working with an ambiguity in this character. FF is a futuristic person whose nervous system is directly connected to a computer and the “world of tomorrow” is when and where FF lives. FF's character itself is weird and quirky, also a preteen. As part of the deal with FF, you never actually see the person named Fran but you get everything about FF from the computer monitor that will be the face and connection to FF, as that is how Future Fran communicates to the rest of the world.

My character is unique because of the ambiguity that I want to use in not knowing what gender the FF is, only that it is a preteen whose life exists entirely through a computer. I want FF to have a humorous nature and work from there. My intention is to develop an animation short of a conversation between Fran's parents and Fran. FF may also wear a helmet. I intend on this being comical.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Say "No" to AT&T Merger

AT&T plans to buy BellSouth in order to create a huge monopoly in the digital media world. This is a raw deal for us consumers because there would be less competition, only a few options to choose from and higher prices when we have no other choice. The government is looking at this right now.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Spanish Assignment

La "Blue Wall", aunque tiene una localización agradable en el centro de UMass, es mala. La comida no tiene buenos precios y la calidad no es perfecto. Sin embargo, tiene una variedad agradable de comida de la pizza y del pollo a los emparedados de muchas variedades a los burritos, a las ensaladas y a las sopas.
Compré la pizza para $2,25 por rebanada. Es más costoso que en otros lugares, primero de todos. En segundo lugar, la calidad está solamente así-así, especialmente para el precio. La textura era más áspera que algunas pizzas, más el gusto eran algo ordinarias.
Para un almuerzo rápido en campus, la "Blue Wall" puede ser suficiente. Pero si usted está buscando una comida buena y barata, después éste no es el lugar.

The Blue Wall, though conventiently located in the campus center of UMass, is extraordinarily poor. The food is overpriced and the quality is not that great. However, it does have a nice variety of food from pizza and chicken to sandwiches of many varieties to burritos, salads and soups.
I ordered the pizza for $2.25 per slice. It is a little higher than what you can get else where, first of all. Secondly the quality of it is only so-so, especially for the price. The texture was rougher than some pizzas that I have eaten, plus the taste was rather ordinary.
For a quick lunch on campus, the Blue Wall can suffice. But if you are looking for a good, cheap meal, then this is not the place.

Assignment 4 Images

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

A couple more:


and finally