Saturday, May 30, 2009

Florida Panthers aren't just a team?

Fewer than 100 Florida panthers remain in the wild today and already five panthers have been killed on south Florida highways this year alone with an additional 24 panthers killed by vehicles over the past two years. Let Interior Secretary Salazar know the importance of declaring critical habitat for the Florida Panther.

Check it out here:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

World Community Grid - You Can Help Researchers Find a Cure for Muscular Dystrophy!

Your donated computer cycle time can now help find a cure for neuromuscular diseases! Phase 2 of the Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy project extends the research conducted in Phase 1 to include 2,280 proteins that are believed to play a role in neuromuscular diseases, a group of chronic diseases with no cure. The original results from Phase 1 formed a database for molecular and biological researchers to use, and created a more robust mathematical modeling system. The expanded project will continue to analyze and document the function and interactions of proteins involved in muscular dystrophy. With this vital knowledge, scientists will be able to develop innovative therapies that will lead to treatments for the vast majority of neuromuscular diseases.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tell Holder: It's time to prosecute Cheney.

The news is buzzing that Dick Cheney would welcome a commission to investigate Bush-era torture--but we need to make it clear that a mere investigation is not enough. What we need is a prosecution.

The buzz intensifed on May 10, when Cheney told CBS' Bob Schieffer that he hopes for a public discussion of the CIA memos on torture--or, as he refers to it, "enhanced interrogation techniques."

Only after a thorough investigation by a U.S. attorney will we know for sure whether and to what extent Cheney broke the law and besmirched the Constitution while serving in the Bush administration. And if he did break the law, he deserves to be prosecuted and sent to prison.

I just took action to tell Attorney General Holder to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Cheney and--pending the outcome of that investigation--to prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law. I hope you will, too.

Please have a look and take action.



Saturday, May 9, 2009

Check these ideas out...

Click on the image below. It will take you to a site of a collaborative whose main guy was on The Colbert Report on May 7, 2009. They are concentrated on some pretty interesting architectural and engineering designs, mixing nature with our everyday human utilization. I found it pretty neat and I also added this link to my "Fun Stuff" links section.

Ecological Design Collaborative for Urban Infrastructure, Building, Planning and Art.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Stop off-shore tax loopholes

Hey there,

For years the biggest companies in America have paid less taxes than the rest of us by 'sheltering' their assets in off-shore banks. But today, President Obama said 'no more'.

Closing tax loopholes like Obama suggests could add $210 billion to our economy--money we can use for education, jobs and health care. But Corporate America's worst actors--including Bank of America, Citigroup and others--are fighting to hang onto their Cayman-islands loophole. Tell your member of Congress to make Corporate America pay their share by eliminating these tax haven loopholes.



Sunday, May 3, 2009

I want! I want! I want!


Friday, May 1, 2009

Help Authorize a Wildlife Postage Stamp

Please speak out now to ensure funding for rhinos, tigers, elephants, great apes and marine turtles. Visit World Wildlife Fund's Conservation Action Network to tell Congress to authorize the US Postal Service to issue a semi-postal stamp.

You may already have written this year to your representative to support increased funding from Congress for multinational species. Now we have an opportunity to supplement these funds through an inventive fund-raising program. The key requirement is to get as many cosponsors of the Multinational Species stamp as possible and your representative could play a critical role.

Click here to learn more and to take action.

Please ask your friends to take this action also by sending this message their way. Thanks!