Saturday, June 28, 2008

Televandals in DC

Televandals played in Vienna, VA, last Monday for the disreputable Emergenza festival and were fucking brilliant. They were the buzz of the night. Comments ranged from "amazing," "awesome" and "this is the kind of music I love" to having the next and last band of the night being upset to go on after Televandals.

Unfortunately, Televandals did not win the competition. The missing-in-action judges seemed to favor the band with little fan support. I refer to them this way because they did not even announce the judges, what their qualifications were or even show them on stage like they did in Boston. Apparently a band competing in Emergenza will not win in-the-end regardless of your fanbase or skills. Televandals went into the competition knowing that Emergenza had a bad reputation, having been told about that reputation but deciding to do it anyway. It worked out great in the end, however, because they introduced themselves to a new market and new fans who look forward to their return.

Here is a clip of Televandals opening their set with "Hate Yourself." Thank you to Jen for the video!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Televandals are not quite done.....

This evening at The Paradise Rock Club, Televandals put on a performance that helped them clinch a victory at the Emergenza Regional Finals in Boston. Between the crowd reaction and judicial vote, they came in first and are on their way to Washington, DC, for the next round tomorrow night. It will be a wild ride but worth it, perhaps, just to get out there in a new market.

The (short, but sweet) set list:
Hate Yourself
Good for Nothing

On another note, George Carlin passed away today and may he rest in peace.

Friday, June 13, 2008

R.i.P. Tim Russert

On a somber note, Tim Russert died today. He was one of the few that I actually cared to listen to and believe what he had to say.

Read further...

This weekend...

I am climbing Mount Washington!! It will be my third time and I love it. You should all come next time.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Watch Full Daily Show and Colbert Report Episodes Now!

I just discovered that Comedy Central now puts The Daily Show and The Colbert Report episodes online. Now another reason that I only need Internet!