Tuesday, July 29, 2008

NASA Turns 50

NASA turns 50 years old today and still no monkey races on Mars.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Televandals on WMFO

Tonight @ 10p

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Feeling Tired and Run Down? It Could Be the Lights

My buddy Sean shared this article by Warren E. Leary with me. It definitely got me thinking about those that I know who have trouble sleeping, including myself sometimes, though I have at least one source who can verify that I can sleep anywhere! Anyway...

"Researchers say they have found that normal levels of indoor lighting, and not just very bright light, can reset the human biological clock, a finding they say indicates that many people in industrialized countries may be constantly sleep deprived and in a permanent state of jet lag.

A five-year study of human response to light in the ranges found in modern homes and offices indicates that the modern shifting of night to day with artificial lighting may have profound effects that were previously unsuspected."

Read on...