Saturday, August 4, 2007


S - Specific: specific goals state exactly at what you are aiming. They are not vague or confusing.

Example: My goal is to buy a bass guitar.

M - Measurable: measurable goals state what you want and when you want it.
Example: My goal is to buy a bass guitar by five months from today.

A - Action-oriented: action-oriented goals spell out exactly HOW you will achieve the goal. What will you do?
Example: To buy my bass guitar, I will save $50/month from my earnings.

R - Realistic: realistic goals are possible. They may be hard, but they are not just wild dreams.
Example: If I do not forget about this goal, it is very realistic.

T - Timely: timely goals give you enough time to achieve them, but not too much!
Example: Five months will give me $250, enough for a solid bass guitar.


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