Thursday, March 19, 2009

Help stop the killing of Alaska's wolves

I just took action at to end the brutal slaughter of Alaska's wolves through aerial gunning, and I hope that you'll join me.

More than 800 wolves have already been shot dead under the state's brutal aerial gunning program. The Alaska Board of Game allows marksmen to shoot wolves from aircraft, or use low-flying airplanes to chase the wolves, run the helpless creatures to exhaustion, then gun them down at point-blank range once they're too tired to run any further.

If you have a heart, then you probably feel that these pathetic losers should stop hunting this way. It's one thing to control the wolf population, but hunt like a real man--or woman!--and don't go about it in a manner that will clearly define you as a weak, pathetic individual. There was a time when there existed a majority of people that respected the hunt. Help me protect these magnificent creatures against the douchebags in Alaska hunting like this by clicking the link below to send a free message to President Obama urging him to enforce the federal Airborne Hunting Act before it's too late for Alaska's wolves.

Please go to to take action now.

Then forward this message to your friends and family and ask them to join you.

Thanks for helping to protect our precious wolves.

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