Sunday, November 20, 2005


Well, I'm not feeling too well about myself. It's not so much just the $70 I wasted on the 311 tickets, but what it represents. I'm not that smart, but I used to think I became smart enough to keep myself from being fucked by someone else again. Most of the blame goes to him, because he should not have bailed on me when I went out of my way for him and threw out my own money for him. But I blame myself for being foolish enough to do so. I am ashamed. I had ignored the biggest idea I have come to realize over the past year: people suck. I will not be doing favors in which I dish out my own money again unless I'm not looking for a monetary return. Since I do not have money, it is increasingly more vital to me. Thanks buddy, you fucked over I'm sure one of the few people that had given any care for you. I don't want to be friends with someone like that. Please don't try to amend anything with me. The only way I'd even consider it for what you did to me is if I recouped the money I lost and wasted due in part to you.

I just feel like hovering around earth for a while on my own. No, you won't find me. I'm going MIA. I trust few people anyway, but now I trust one less person than I had at the beginning of yesterday. This experience does not help reinforce the idea of putting trust in others. I am left quite uneasy and uncertain.

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