Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I haven't written on this blog in a long, long time. I'm also using "written" loosely. I mostly reached a point where I had nothing to say so simply shared samples or items important to me (pre-Twitter). I'm writing now, weeks behind schedule, mostly out of boredom. Why start a new blog when I can just pick the old one back up? Exactly.

I'm sitting now in a lounge with the television on, but I ignore it easily since I threw my headphones (they saved my life!) on and tuned into "Play" by Moby. Shuffled through email, shuffled through Twitter. I look at Facebook but I hate that site! So here I am. Trying to think, to write. Why do I struggle at this when I have so much to talk about?! Where I am, where I've come from, what I'm doing and what I've been up to. People seem genuinely interested when I mention details IRL so why not OTI (on the Internet)?

Maybe I'm thinking too hard. That's my problem. I overanalyze. Luckily I write this knowing no one will read it. That's either my saving grace or Achilles' heel. Maybe it leaves me comfortable to think that this is just for me but not motivated enough to say something. Either/or, I'll figure something out. I want to, better yet need to, turn a corner and whether that be to write more or to give this sort of path up, only time will tell.

I have a lot on my mind at least. Leaving the east coast, driving crosscountry to move to Los Angeles, finding my new habits for this town. I've been quite busy and I like it. Far better than doing nothing like I did in the last town. It was mostly my fault, but how can I disregard my own feeling that I was in the wrong town at the wrong time of my life? That's what I'm doing in LA. Getting back to living.

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